Anna MacKinnon

Dr. Anna MacKinnon is a clinical psychologist and researcher in perinatal mental health and early child development. Her work aims to identify risk and protective factors to inform the development of innovative interventions that promote resilience and prevent mental health problems. She’s worked with large cohort studies to examine multilevel social (e.g., neighborhood) and biological […]
Hallie Coltin

Dr. Hallie Coltin is a pediatric neuro-oncologist at the CHU Sainte-Justine and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Montreal. She completed her pediatric hematology-oncology training at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and CHEO, an MSc in Clinical Epidemiology through the Clinician Investigator Program at the University of Ottawa, and a […]
Alexandra Cambier

I am a pediatric nephrologist and an immunologist with a focus on pediatric IgA nephropathy. My primary research interest is the identification of biomarkers and specific prognostic factors of children IgA nephropathy (cIgAN). My research portfolio includes the realization of a French children IgA nephropathy cohort. One of my focuses is to identify children IgAN […]
Aline Bogossian

I’m an assistant professor at the School of Social Work of Université de Montréal. I used to work as an emergency room social worker at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Now I teach social work practice and research to undergraduate and graduate students. In my research, I work on questions related to family experiences of childhood […]
Anne Monique Nuyt

Ahmed Moussa

Olivier Drouin

Dr Olivier Drouin is an Clinical Assistant Professor in both the Department of Pediatrics and Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at Université de Montréal. He completed his medical training at McGill University and his residency in General Pediatrics at both the Montreal Children’s Hospital and the CHU Sainte-Justine. To this clinical training, Dr Drouin […]
Despoina Manousaki

Nadia Roumeliotis

Nadia Roumeliotis is a pediatric intensive care physician at the CHU Sainte-Justine in Montreal. She completed her pediatric intensive care training at Université de Montreal and then a fellowship at SickKids Hospital, along with a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research at the University of Toronto (supervised by Dr. Chris Parshuram). Her doctoral […]
Genevieve Du Pont-Thibodeau

Dr. Du Pont-Thibodeau is a pediatric intensivist at CHU Sainte Justine and a clinician-investigator. She did her pediatric residency at McGill University, followed by her subspecialty training at Université de Montréal in pediatric critical care while completing a Masters in biomédical sciences. She pursued post-doctoral training at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in pediatric neurocritical […]