Michelle Phoenix
Michelle Phoenix is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Assistant Professor in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. She is a CanChild Scientist. Her research focusses on improving access and engagement in children’s rehabilitation services. This includes client-engagement, models of service delivery, family-centred care, ethics, and engagement in research. She is grateful for the supervision, […]
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
Kathryn Hatherly
Kathryn is completing a MCISc/PhD in Speech-Language Pathology/Health and Rehabilitation Sciences under the co-supervision of Dr. BJ Cunningham and Dr. Janis Cardy. She previously completed her BA (Adv) in Linguistics and Psychology at the University of Manitoba. For her doctoral thesis, Kathryn is studying parent-led interventions for children who are late-to-talk and the influence of […]