Dear Colleagues and Trainees:

We are pleased to provide the video recordings of the 18th CCHCSP Annual Symposium.  This year is unique as our lives were interrupted by COVID-19 and we were unable to host an in-person symposium.  Despite the tremendous challenges our community has faced over the last 4 months, these virtual seminars attest to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.  We are so proud of our trainees who completed another successful year in science, clinical work, while taking care of themselves and their loved ones.

I encourage you to all to review the recorded lecture by Dr. Imogen Coe titled, “Inclusive Excellence: Improving cancer research and creating cultures of care.”  In response to recent world events and the call to action presented in this lecture, we are publishing our position on racism and the Guiding Principles of CCHCSP.

CCHCSP denounces racism in any form. We recognize that systemic and institutionalized racism, as well as individual acts of racism and violence are destructive and disabling for individuals and communities. Each of us holds the key to establish diversity, equity, compassion, empathy and love for our fellow human beings as the norm for our society and in science.

As a program, we are here to serve health research trainees. As child health researchers we are here to serve children, youth, families and communities.  In our day-to-day work, let us continue to be mindful of how experiences with racism may leave an indelible mark on young children and youth. We, as a community of child health researchers, can make a difference to empower and enable a safe, tolerant, and equitable nation and world for them.

The CCHCSP program, therefore, commits to abide by the following guiding principles. These are: 1) equity and diversity, 2) national representation, 3) interdisciplinarity, 4) trainee representation, 5) youth, parent and family engagement, 6) acknowledge and embrace Indigenous ways of knowing, doing and promoting health and well being, and 7) representation across all themes of research.  We are reviewing every aspect of our program to ensure that we abide by these guiding principles, and making the necessary changes to our selection and training processes. We are looking forward to a revitalized and stronger program as a result, and one that is sustainable for many years to come.

Yours Sincerely,Susan Samuel, DirectorRichard Keijzer, Co-Director & Selection Committee ChairLinda Pires, Program Manager

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