Audrée Jeanne Beaudoin, Ph. D. is an occupational therapist, a researcher at the Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux du CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS and an adjunct professor at the School of Rehabilitation, Université de Sherbrooke. After completing her training in occupational therapist from Université de Sherbrooke (2012), she received a doctoral award from the CCHCSP (2013-2017). Her Ph.D. project aimed to assess the effects of a parent-mediated intervention for young children with a suspicion of ASD. Her research interests include 1) organization and development of primary care services to promote accessible care for children and their families and 2) partnership interventions that develop capabilities and empowerment of children and their families (e.g. coaching and family-centered care interventions).