Louis Bont, MD, PhD, is Pediatrician Infectiologist-Immunologist and founding chairman of ReSViNET, an international respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) research consortium. He is head of the department of pediatrics at the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. His specific research interest is RSV pathogenesis and burden of disease. His work focuses on unraveling the role of neutrophils, RSV-related mortality and long-term airway disease and asthma following RSV infection. Dr. Bont is the lead investigator of the INFORM study, a large prospective global clinical virology study to unravel the molecular epidemiology of RSV in about 4000 children. He is one of the co-leads of the RESCEU and PROMISE consortiums aiming to define the RSV burden of disease in Europe. He is leading the RSV GOLD mortality registry funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His group collaborates with the World Health Organization on RSV surveillance and vaccine development. Dr. Bont’s research focuses on clinical and translational mechanisms of disease and identifying targets for intervention of RSV bronchiolitis. He has been the lead author of about 200 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals. Dr. Bont is chairman of the Institutional Review Board at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands and structural advisor of pharmaceutical companies. He founded the Training of Upcoming Leaders in Pediatric Science (TULIPS), a career training network for clinician scientists in the field of Child Health.