PILLAR: Programs and Institutions Looking to Launch Academic Researchers

The PILLAR Pathway operates on a membership model, providing training to candidates selected by a local institution, program, or network. Membership fees will be required by the institution nominating the learners. New fee structure will be available soon. Contact ENRICH Program Director (enrich.admin@bcchr.ca) for further information.

These awards are intended for candidates who (1) wish to pursue a career as a perinatal and/or child health researcher, (2) are conducting research in perinatal and/or child health and wellbeing and (3) have already attained salary support at a local, provincial or national level but are still seeking advanced training. Successful candidates will gain complete access to the Enrichment Program. Through an individualized research development plan, learners in the Enrichment Program will enhance their skills ranging from research methods, to managing multi-site teams, to personal wellness, and other relevant topics for researchers. For a complete overview of the curriculum, please visit the curriculum tab of our website. For further information regarding the various training pathways please see the Training Path Summary Table.

Graduate training: There is no minimum graduate training required for this pathway. All trainees are welcome, including new investigators less than 5 years into their first faculty appointment.

Protected Research Time: There is no minimum protected research time for this pathway; however, 50% protected time is encouraged.

Scope of Research: Must be perinatal and/or child health and well-being focused.

Mentorship: A supervisor or mentor at the learner’s institution or program is required.

Active Salary Awards: Applicants who already have a multi-year salary/stipend award from a local, provincial, or national organization/institution are ineligible for this award. Please apply to the REACH Award