Dr. Du Pont-Thibodeau is a pediatric intensivist at CHU Sainte Justine and a clinician-investigator. She did her pediatric residency at McGill University, followed by her subspecialty training at Université de Montréal in pediatric critical care while completing a Masters in biomédical sciences. She pursued post-doctoral training at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in pediatric neurocritical care. She returned to CHU Sainte-Justine in 2016. Since then, she has obtained her FRQS junior 1 salary Award for her research program in anemia and long-terme outcomes of children that survive a critical illness. With her colleague she has started the first PICU follow-up clinic in Canada and is leading the Canadian PICU Follow-up Initiative Group. She is devoting her extra-clinicat time to this clinic and to her research program on long-terme outcomes.